Happiness. That word is so relative.It means different things to different people. I dont think there will be a point in our lives when we are truly happy,if there is,its shortlived. Its human nature..we can never be fully content with our lives,we always want more and better.
Which is why I say there is a very fine line between greed and ambition. Thats just me..what do you think?

Wouldn’t it b…

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could love without hurting, live without dying, and eat without getting fat? If you ask me, everything good in this life is either: illegal, immoral, fattening or taken.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the world had no ill feelings? Damn it Pandora, why did u have to open that box anyway? It would have made the world a better place if those things had not escaped…But oh well.

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a place where we actually cared for other peole’s feelings and would never inflict harm on them. We would accept what we cannot change.

 Do sleep well.



Dear God,

Can I talk to you? Lately our relationship has not been the same and I miss you. I searched deep into myself and realized that its me who grew distant.

I got too busy and didn’t have time for you. Too busy dealing with problems that were weighing me down, problems that got me distressed, stressed and worried. I thought I could handle them by myself but the more I tried I got nowhere. I forgot that I had You. You would always listen to me pour my heart out and cry and You would make it all better. I forgot to trust you and let you handle everything and I’m sorry.

Whenever I talked to you I would always complain how life is unfair and how everything was falling apart. I forgot that I should also tell you how awesome you are, how amazing your grace truly is.. I forget to thank you for all the good things in my life; loving family, awsam friends and for everything in my life. I realize that each day is a gift and not a given right, you could just as easily take it away.

I forget to thank you every day fir the little things…a full set of teeth that I can smile, two legs that can walk , eyes that can see, ears that can hear, a brain that functions and for a body that works perfectly. You made me beautifully and wonderfully, and for that I am thankful.

I have done things I am not proud of, things I am very remorseful about. You see into my heart and know how much it hurt that I went against your rules. I have hurt people’s feelings and broken their trust, I have said things that I wish I could take back, I have thought things that I wouldn’t like anyone but you to know and most of all , I pushed you away and thought I could make it on my own.

Sometimes I ask you for something and get angry when I don’t get it. Its not because you wont give it to me but it may not be the best for me at the time. Help me to know that you have my best interest at heart. And when my prayer get answered, I will remember to thank you,.

So here I am, asking you, Oh please, Daddy please, come take my hand and walk with me. I promise that I will not try to be strong and pretend that I am super woman. I may be all grown up but I am still your little girl and I need my Father. You are a God who has all things but still You want me. That is love.

There is no grater love than yours and for anyone to want to live to through life without having experienced it is a shame. I know you love me and want only the best for me.

I love you, always have and always will.

With Love,

Your Child.





ImageYou judge. I judge. Truth is, we all judge…because it’s all too easy to form an opinion about something. Sometimes, we think we know people, we think that just by looking at someone we have them all figured out because we are geniuses. Truth is, we don’t know shit.

Everyone has a back story…a reason for being who they are and how they carry themselves. We may not know it, but the opinions we form about people go a long way in determining how we will relate to them. Sticking to the pre-judged opinions may make us miss out on getting to know an awesome person.

Before you judge that girl as being stingy with her money, you never know, maybe she doesn’t have enough to spare ; before you judge him as being `holier than thou` you may never understand what God has seen him through; and before you say that she is always gloomy, you may never know the troubles she carries on her shoulders.

It all comes down to being slow to judge. I believe that everyone has something to say, while I have made my own share of judgments, I have learnt my lesson. I have learnt things from people I never even gave a second glance to. I have seen life through the eyes of different people and that has made me a better person.

After all, doesn’t the good book tell us that the measure with which we judge is the same one to be used on us? And if that is anything to go by, some of us will be in lots of trouble. Am just saying.





 We have all been there. It is a place I know all too well. The point where you don’t know what to do, how to do it and even when to do it. It happens, we are human; our emotions conflict with reason and with our bodies hence they are never able to reach a consensus. Our head says one thing and our heart is screaming in a completely different language. So which is it? The voice we are meant to hear?

Making choices is hard, in fact, there should be some sort of course people take to become pros at it. I know I would definitely attend that class and take a few of my friends with me. Making one choice has its own implications and making the other choice has its won set of consequences. But who are we to know what the consequences will be?

So what do you do? When you find yourself there, at the point of no return? Where you are beyond help, its either do or die and as much as your friends want, they can’t help you because it is your choice to make and you will live with the consequences after.

Some seek solace in the Bible, Ah, yes, the good book of wisdom as they seek for divine intervention from a grater power. Other find comfort in talking to a friend and sharing all their pain, letting go and letting someone else share their pain and turmoil. Others prefer doing it alone, soul searching if you may. They carefully consider the what ifs, the maybes and the oh wells, them make a choice.

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt is not to make a permanent choice based on a temporary feeling. You may not be able to live with the cost.

So I’ll say it this way, listen to your heart and think with your head. Because deep down, we all know what we want but we let fear get the better of us or we are just afraid of going wrong. And so what if we make mistakes? Nobody is perfect and don’t try too hard either. Even babies have to crawl before they can walk. And should you decide wrongly, that’s what second chances and apologies are for. Don’t let fear hold you back. If we don’t make mistakes, however do we expect to learn?

So, if you find yourself at that place where the road ahead is unclear, just search within yourself, breathe slow, pray and it will dawn on you.



Every once in a while, for movie lovers like myself we come across and watch that one movie that causes us to take one long hard look at our lives. We watch said movie and as we do we see so much of ourselves in the characters…their behavior, personality and dressing tells us something either about us or about someone we know. We all know that nothing in movies is real its all just fiction but for those who watch too much of fiction may form reality out of it.

What is it about a movie that gets us? People who are so rough around the edges all have that one movie that gets them and makes them cry…when they are alone of course. Movie producers are one clever lot. They make movies that appeal to our most vulnerable…our emotions. For them of course, its all about the money. What about the audience?, us? For some, movies just pass time and make the hours elapse faster, like a favorite pastime; they learn nothing new from the movies, not even a new word. For others, they tear the movies apart looking for mistakes, critics. They ill complain of how long the movies is, how some actor couldn’t match her facial reactions with the situation, they will say how the producers should have looked for a pettier girl or used more make up on that ones.. They are so busy looking for mistakes that they forget to stop and smell the roses. For others, movies are a chance to see a work of art…to learn something new, to laugh and cry and just enjoy. Make it a mission of yours to learn something from every movies, the name of a tow in Germany, that there is actually a melon spoon, one for specifically eating melons. Don’t just watch to watch but as you watch…learn Where do you think the phrase watch and learn came from? You could even get an ideas for a project  from just watching a movie.



Every once in a while, for movie lovers like myself we come across and watch that one movie that causes us to take one long hard look at our lives. We watch said movie and as we do we see so much of ourselves in the characters…their behavior, personality and dressing tells us something either about us or about someone we know. We all know that nothing in movies is real its all just fiction but for those who watch too much of fiction may form reality out of it.

What is it about a movie that gets us? People who are so rough around the edges all have that one movie that gets them and makes them cry…when they are alone of course. Movie producers are one clever lot. They make movies that appeal to our most vulnerable…our emotions. For them of course, its all about the money. What about the audience?, us? For some, movies just pass time and make the hours elapse faster, like a favorite pastime; they learn nothing new from the movies, not even a new word. For others, they tear the movies apart looking for mistakes, critics. They ill complain of how long the movies is, how some actor couldn’t match her facial reactions with the situation, they will say how the producers should have looked for a pettier girl or used more make up on that ones.. They are so busy looking for mistakes that they forget to stop and smell the roses. For others, movies are a chance to see a work of art…to learn something new, to laugh and cry and just enjoy. Make it a mission of yours to learn something from every movies, the name of a tow in Germany, that there is actually a melon spoon, one for specifically eating melons. Don’t just watch to watch but as you watch…learn Where do you think the phrase watch and learn came from? Here’s to movies..may you live long to make us laugh, cry and inspiImagere us.























